Apr 07, 2021Nomad
Getting ready to roll!
It's been almost 6 months since my beloved DH (Teacher's Pet) died. I spent 6 weeks emptying and cleaning my 40' Phaeton, but I got it sold before Christmas. So happy for that. Since then I have been doing some projects around our "new to us" Florida home that we planned to do together.
Now I am getting ready for my first road trip. We were on the road for 15 years before we bought this house 1 year ago and I am getting hitch itch. I still have MinnieMee my R-Vision Trail-lite 213 and I'm getting her packed up. I had her to the mechanic after Terry died to have her checked out. All was good. She needs a bath, but I'm waiting for a really hot day for that.
I will drive across the state to my son's for the first night as they need me to babysit for one night while they attend a business function. Then I am heading north to Virginia to visit my daughter and her family. That will be bittersweet as that is where Terry died. But we are all moving ahead. Once I leave there, I am headed for Shipshewana as I need my refrigerator fixed. It works on gas, but not on electric. That's a switch, isn't it? When I switch it to electric, it just clicks. So it's prolly a relay or a switch and the Amish guy at National Refrigeration will fix it up at a fraction of what it would cost anywhere else. At least it is working great on gas.
From there, I will visit friends at Elkhart Campground, then head to Claypool, south of Warsaw, and camp in my sister's woods. My 95-year old Mom lives there in her own park model on my sister's place. My BIL is having prostate surgery in May and I plan to be there so I can be with Mom while my sister is busy with her husband. She has dogs also, so I will be able to let them out, etc., so she can concentrate on her DH. My Mom's birthday is June 4, so I am going to be there for that and then start back home to Florida.
I won't be towing anything and I don't plan to tow anymore. My sister has enough vehicles I can borrow if I need to, but MinnieMee is only 22 1/2 feet and no slides. I will just be hooked up to electric at my sister's, so it won't be hard to move if need be.
I am looking for a small motorhome to replace MinnieMee. She's in good shape with only 33,000 miles on her, but I want a different layout so I can take a grandchild with me. Looking at Coach House, Phoenix Cruiser, or Leisure Travel.
I have a new traveling companion. I am re-homing a 5 year old Scottish Terrier named Brendon and he does very well traveling. He is super mellow and enjoys just hanging out, so I think he will do very well on the trip. He loves people and other dogs, so he will enjoy the family we visit.
I joined a women's RVing group on FB. I found them and many are widows and many very recent widows like me. They do a lot of weekend camping here in Florida all year long, so I'm hoping to meet some like-minded individuals for some relaxing, healing times.
Take care and safe travels everyone!
Now I am getting ready for my first road trip. We were on the road for 15 years before we bought this house 1 year ago and I am getting hitch itch. I still have MinnieMee my R-Vision Trail-lite 213 and I'm getting her packed up. I had her to the mechanic after Terry died to have her checked out. All was good. She needs a bath, but I'm waiting for a really hot day for that.
I will drive across the state to my son's for the first night as they need me to babysit for one night while they attend a business function. Then I am heading north to Virginia to visit my daughter and her family. That will be bittersweet as that is where Terry died. But we are all moving ahead. Once I leave there, I am headed for Shipshewana as I need my refrigerator fixed. It works on gas, but not on electric. That's a switch, isn't it? When I switch it to electric, it just clicks. So it's prolly a relay or a switch and the Amish guy at National Refrigeration will fix it up at a fraction of what it would cost anywhere else. At least it is working great on gas.
From there, I will visit friends at Elkhart Campground, then head to Claypool, south of Warsaw, and camp in my sister's woods. My 95-year old Mom lives there in her own park model on my sister's place. My BIL is having prostate surgery in May and I plan to be there so I can be with Mom while my sister is busy with her husband. She has dogs also, so I will be able to let them out, etc., so she can concentrate on her DH. My Mom's birthday is June 4, so I am going to be there for that and then start back home to Florida.
I won't be towing anything and I don't plan to tow anymore. My sister has enough vehicles I can borrow if I need to, but MinnieMee is only 22 1/2 feet and no slides. I will just be hooked up to electric at my sister's, so it won't be hard to move if need be.
I am looking for a small motorhome to replace MinnieMee. She's in good shape with only 33,000 miles on her, but I want a different layout so I can take a grandchild with me. Looking at Coach House, Phoenix Cruiser, or Leisure Travel.
I have a new traveling companion. I am re-homing a 5 year old Scottish Terrier named Brendon and he does very well traveling. He is super mellow and enjoys just hanging out, so I think he will do very well on the trip. He loves people and other dogs, so he will enjoy the family we visit.
I joined a women's RVing group on FB. I found them and many are widows and many very recent widows like me. They do a lot of weekend camping here in Florida all year long, so I'm hoping to meet some like-minded individuals for some relaxing, healing times.
Take care and safe travels everyone!