Today, people fly and drive across the country to buy a dog. If you are really considering the rv then drive the 300 miles to see and drive one.
Its 50/50 in buying any rv liking the floorplan is the important part.
** A good mechanic can make an inexpensive rv a good workable reliable unit. Find yourself an independent mechanic who you can trust and work with on a recurring basis. .
They are all pushed off the assembly extra fast in this good economy and covid sales boom. They leave it up to the dealers to tweak them up. If you are lucky , you'll find a good dealer and you will have less return trips to repair things. If not , expect to be making a 600 mile round trip often while waiting a long time between appointments. That might mean non use of the rv.
**i would sleep / camp at the dealership or nearby CG for two or 3 nights so you see how that dealer actually took care of things before he sold it to you. Many dealerships dont even touch them. They let it be your problem.
General reviews from the owners are full spectrum from ‘hate it’ to ‘love it’ .