Forum Discussion

kemer's avatar
Nov 08, 2020

HDMI Cable

I have a 2014 Winnebago Sightseer. In the compartment above the driver side is the connections for satellite hookup. I have a DISH Wally receiver in which the HCMI cable goes into the wall and then comes out at the back of the TV. For some reason, I was not getting a signal to the TV. DISH suggested I take a different HDMI cable, run it from the receiver to the TV and see if that works. It worked, so it tells me the existing cable is bad. But now I have a cable running thru the RV. Has anyone replaced the cable that goes thru the wall? From the box to the TV is about 18 feet or so.. Is it difficult to fish a new line thru? I'm thinking about securing the new cable to the old one and pulling it thru from the other end. I didn't know HDMI cables can go bad.....

  • Pulling that new cable through will be tough, as it probably makes several sharp bends and has a connector on the end. And if the joint between old and new comes apart while pulling, you're done-for.

    Perhaps worth a try, though, as your only other choices are to snake a new wire route, or run a surface mount.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    It may be that there is a switch someplace you have not yet discovered.

    Receiver---Matrix switch---- Multiple Monitors
  • Go to the Winnebago's tech site. Click on the link for "Wiring Diagrams Motorized". Click your "Year range" followed by "specific year". Click your "model and sub-model".

    Next pick "TV Coax Wiring Diagram" to see the schematics of how the systems connect. This will let you know if there's something else acting as a junction point between the cable ends. You don't want to be yanking on cable not realizing a splitter or grounding connector or other item is connected to what you think is a single straight cable.

    Next pick the "TV/DVD Wining Installation". This will bring up an exploded view of your entire entertainment system, how mounted, where all the pieces are. It generally will give you a good idea how the wires are routed and through and where in the cabinet and coach they go.
  • 1. There is no way to snake a new HDMI by pulling with the old bad cable. You also have the problem with the large HDMI connector getting thru the RV.
    2. A way to do the fix is to purchase a HDMI IR extender
    3. Using the IR extender, you will NOT have the cost of a 30 foot HDMI cable which is probably more than the extender cost. Doug

    PS. HDMI cables DON'T go bad. There are 2 things that make a defective HDMI cable
    1. A Screw or the cable is pinched
    2. MOST COMMON. People constantly disconnect the HDMI from the appliance or TV and pull by the cable instead of the connector housing. HDMI cables are very fragile at the end connectors.
  • We have a Itasca Sunova 33C. Almost the same as your Sightseer. On our there is a HDMI splitter in the cabinet behind a removable panel on the floor under the retractable TV. Maybe it is bad or the short HDMI cable between it and the TV. Good luck.

    BTW, yes HDMI cables can break which is why I use a short extremely flexible HDMI cable between the installed cable and our receiver due to the sharp turn it has to make.