Forum Discussion

stan909's avatar
Sep 01, 2015

House batteries not charging off engine

Batteries charge from generator, solar and converter but when running the engine I here a cluncking sound coming from a black box under the hood where the isolators are located. It used to be I would run the engine in the morning before running the generator. I would turn on the light over the dash, watch it. I would here the clunk and the light would turn bright for a second then back to dim. This would occur a couple times until the last clunk and then full bright. I then would start generator. Now the clunk occurs over and over again but does not go full bright anymore. Is it the black box or one of the isolators ? Thanks in advance. I know someone will have the answer. I try to do things myself before taking to an expert so any help would be great.
  • Stan,

    Go here and post your problem.
    "Old Bounder" will jump in and offer you guidance. He is the most knowledgeable person about RV Custom Products battery control center, that I know. Work with Lou and your problem will be resolved.

    95 Bounder
  • I should add that the control panel is extremely easy to get to and using a long screw driver I listened to the black box as it clunked but wonder if the isolator in line between it and the starter battery could be the culprit. I can easily just replace parts (which I may end up doing) but if someone can advise all the better.