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How many of us are there? Owners of Dodge based RV's?

Explorer II
Explorer II
I'm new here, and curious.

How many of us in Class C own Dodge B300 incomplete
cab/chassis based RV's? I know two others- Steve aka
Ripsaw, with a 1977 Brougham, and Leroy aka 1978_Dodge
_Delta who owns a 440V8 powered sharp looking 1978
Delta RV. I would like to ask, and offer, help, idea
swapping and comparing notes on our particular RV's
which are based on the Dodge B300 van chassis.

Yeah, I know. These are low tech, podgy old RV's that
would be considered "entry level" for folks like me,
but I have a deep and abiding respect for the quality
of these old "monsters of the open road". And anyone
wanting to pick brains, joke about, share notes or just
brag about our old A- Dodge-io's are certainly welcome
to PM or email me. Between all of us we can form a real
good support group, and help each other with problems
we know we'll encounter with an older vehicle.

Sure. I'd love a new RV. But I'd rather have an older
one already paid for, and a lotta great memories. Call
me frugal, an old hippie, or whatever you will. I'm proud
of my old land yacht.

Mopar Madness Manifest in the flesh,

Mark aka White Knight

P.S. Mine's a '72. Is there an older one out there someone's
motorvating in? Maybe even a Travco? W/K
1972 Mobile Traveler 20' Dodge B300 Class C
"The Kobayashi Maru" Trans- Prarie Land Craft
"Requiescat in pace et in amore..."
8,369 REPLIES 8,369

I'm not sure about the range of donors, but from someone who just had the entire front end apart on his MH... tricky it is not. I swear I see them on Ebay (for mine anyway) for under $200. For someone who knows what they're doing, I could see it done in an hour... for someone mechanically inclined making it up as they go? A leisurely afternoon.

I'm trying to remember mine... and I think it was all of three hoses and four bolts...

Hey, so it turns out the radiator does have a hole in it. I assumed it was a hose. Would any early 70's B body van radiators work? Or do I need an engine/year specific radiator? I called a retailer and they gave me some******about oh it's really tricky, we'll install if for $500.... I'm just going to call some junk yards and see if I can round one up, but just wanted to make sure that I could fit pretty much any old Dodge van radiator.

Leeann wrote:
Sam - turn the fridge over and leave it for at least 1/2 an hour, 3 if you can. Then turn it back over and test again.

And it doesn't hurt to occasionally tap on the coils while upside down. If something is lodged and blocking the flow, that 'can' help. Also, make sure if you turn it upside down clockwise, you continue clockwise to right it. Or... counter-continue counter.

Both suggestions that came from a friend that does it for a living.

Thanks Eyeteeth for the link....
and it was nice to make it all the way there and back.....
I don't think anyones dying statement ever contained the words "I wish I had spent more time in the office", so lets go somewhere!

Sam - turn the fridge over and leave it for at least 1/2 an hour, 3 if you can. Then turn it back over and test again.
'73 Concord 20' Class A w/Dodge 440 - see profile for photo


This should solve one of your problems.
Good deal.. the first couple trips are always the most interesting. Glad to hear you made it both ways. That always helps. ๐Ÿ™‚ (coming from someone whose last 'trip' lasted about 3 months before being able to the the RV home.)

Welcome Red Wheel Dude and Dudette: Nice to see that the green machine will remain a part of the old dodge rollcall....

Took my old bus out on its first long run, about 200 miles each way. All the systems worked great, had the fridge packed full and it stayed right at 40degrees set on about 5. Lights and water pump worked fine on the coach battery(first time I had used either the propane or house battery system other than to test them) Rig ran great, only problem we had was coming home on a cold rainy day and my wipers quit with about 150 miles to go(the old plastic bushing) and my heater fan didn't want to work (I was sure it worked) but we had good heat just not a fan so we turned it to defrost to keep the windshield clear and fired up a small catalytic propane heater we had and we were fine for the rest of the trip.. anyway it was a great trip and the people we were camping with all thought the remodel turned out great.. Thanks to all of you who helped me get it too this point, finally feel like a real Rver now not just a poser!
I don't think anyones dying statement ever contained the words "I wish I had spent more time in the office", so lets go somewhere!

79powerwagon wrote:
Oops! I better get rid of my sig pic... :B

Just send the Boondles your old signature code. ๐Ÿ˜›

Cricket and Sam

Check the top vent as well. The heat has to go somewhere. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thats tend to get clogged with leaves, needes, branches... squirrel's nests...

Other than that. I had the same issue with mine at the beginning of the summer. I fixed it... with a new fridge. ๐Ÿ˜ž

But the fridge I replaced it was was only $75, and larger. The PO complained of the same problem you and I experienced. Only in his case it was clogged. I had him plug it in over night while in his garage and everything got cold perfectly. The fridge was at 30 degrees when I picked it up.

Oops! I better get rid of my sig pic... :B
She ain't purdy, but at least she's slow!

The Boodles wrote:
HAHA Just realized the guy I bought my rig from is 79powerwagon.
LOL holy crap.
Well she made it fine, and I'm picking it up from the shop on MON.

LOL! Tis but a small world! :B I ws going to e-mail you a link to this site, but alas, you found it on your own!

Everyone here is wonderful, it's an outstanding resource!

Let's see some pics with the new tires and other bits!

She ain't purdy, but at least she's slow!

TreeSeeker, thanks for the links, I will check them out and see if I can find something.

Eyeteeth, I havent tried the refer on anything but propane yet. However I let the pilot stay lit and running for about 4 hours. The coils got hot, not so hot that you couldnt touch them though, but the temp inside the refer actually got warmer instead of cooler, just warmer, not hot. My manual had something in it about removing the refer and turning it 'upside down couple of times'. I did that also and it still didnt make a difference. As far as the air flow goes, I left the outside cover off the entire time, didnt seem to hot, plus it was only about 75 degrees outside.

I did however fix the running problem with the ole 360 though. I cant believe how 'stupid' some of the so called mechanics are. All of the plug wires were off by one position. Then someone had worked on the carb and replaced the accelerator pump but put the thing back together with the old gaskets. It had a couple of vacuum leaks because of this. Its amazing what a $20 gasket kit will do for a carb and they didnt replace it with the pump. Thing just purrs like a kitten now.

Well the weather sucks right now so I dont think I get to do much work today. Only 2 weeks left before our maiden voyage. Rain rain go away!
76 Dodge Leprechaun
Getting started.

Cricket & Sam

When plugged in, or on propane, do the coils on the back of the fridge get warm at all? (It will take a little while for them to warm up so let it run for a bit) The older units aren't very involved, it's just a heat exchange. It's apparently common for the 'slug' to eventually move around and lodge in the coil blocking them. Also, check the vent on top, and make sure you're getting good air flow to the back of the fridge. They won't work for anything if the coils in back don't get air, and therefore can't cool themselves.

Explorer II
Explorer II
The Boodles wrote:
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I feel great about my purchase now. Not only is it in pretty good shape, it came with a built in network of technical support. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Thanks for the great idea Leeann. It looks great! I'm definitely going to look into that. It's the sheathing, but only right in the middle. The rest seems solid but your idea seems so cheap and easy that we may go that route. By the way, you figured it out that quick? You're good!
Mark, will do on the christening, but may use beer lol. I DO live in Wisconsin. I will for sure put up some pics.
Well, counting down the hours... Got a big day tomorrow. Not only do we get to pick up our new addition to the family, but I also get to see Aaron Rodgers and the Packers beat up on Barrett Faver (sic??) or whatever his name is ๐Ÿ˜‰ and the Viqueens. It's like X-mas eve.
Well have a good night, and we will keep you updated, plus I'm sure we'll have questions. Mark, that DOES have a nice ring to it... Mine's paid for... is yours?
The Boodles (Red Wheel Dude and his wonderful wife)

Well, Red Wheel Dude and Lady Red Wheel, you'n's is now officially
citizens of our weird little nation!! Just ask- most of us have done some pretty incredible stuff, and we like to share what we know. And who knows? There will come a day that you will contribute your wisdom to someone here. I just have no doubt about that.

I was sooo hoping that y'all weren't gonna use champagne- beer lubricates the water pump (and brain cells) much better and makes the heater/defroster unit work more efficiently! Just like cooking with wine- use what you normally drink! That being the case, I'm turning up a couple o' pints of Guinness in yer honor! Slainte! (Gaelic for
"To your health!") And "IT'S PAID FOR!!"

I think I need to get bumper stickers made... can you see it?

"Real World RVer's- Mine's PAID FOR. Is yours?"

Long may ye run!

1972 Mobile Traveler 20' Dodge B300 Class C
"The Kobayashi Maru" Trans- Prarie Land Craft
"Requiescat in pace et in amore..."

It came out much, much better than I expected. I really like it and can't believe how much better it makes the interior look.

He did give us some clues, you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

MAY use beer?????? You've GOTTA use beer (champagne is for wussies)!

Mine's paid for, is yours? is one of my favorite statements/questions of all.

I'm glad you've accepted that your name is now Red Wheel Dude, 'cause she wouldn't let you change it anyway...
'73 Concord 20' Class A w/Dodge 440 - see profile for photo