My wife and I've been full timing since 2011 and I've got a general-build question for those full time in their rig.
I'm thinking this Q is still in line with the OP's question as it is IMO a general sort of "What would you change" not only size, but in general-build??
If not? Sorry for the Segue : )
We started out buying a 5 yr old mobile suite 5th. What we noticed is that even after 5 years there was a bit of build-smell to it. So we went to a large RV show and with _smell_ in fore front, looked and smelled every RV. The only one that didn't have any noticeable smell was an Evergreen product. I know that is a 5th wheel, but my question is, is there a company out there, for the average Joe/Jill that is building motorhomes in a similar _green_ fashion without the formaldehydes/etc that off gas? We've been inside our Evergreen Tesla T3970 for over a year (after trading in the mobile suite) and the livability inside is like night and day. . . even though, arguably, the DRV Mobile Suite is a top-tier rv (and manufacturer).