I bought the one for my 2004 Sightseer from the service center factory store while I was there for some warranty repair. You might call them and see what they have.
You can't buy direct from them unless you are at the store, but a dealer can order one for you.
I used Lichtsinn Motors several times for parts and had good luck with them.
LICHTSINN. They are a dealer a mile or so from the factory.
If you call Lichtsinn have your VIN handy. They can cross it to your ID number so they will know which parts are on your coach.
Clay (WA5NMR), Lee (Wife), Katie & Kelli (cats) Salli (dog).
Fixed domicile after 1 year of snowbirding and eleven years Full Timing in a 2004 Winnebago Sightseer 35N, Workhorse chassis, Honda Accord toad