Bird Freak wrote:
chili's trip wrote:
Southwind98 wrote:
If you purchase one on a W 24 chassis you can avoid the brake recall issues altogether
? There is no brake recall issue if the recall was completed! And if it was not completed it will be done N/C.
I agree, the 8.1/Alison combination is hard to beat. GM ceased engine production in DEC 2011. Thanks.
Jack H
There have been reports of brake issues here after the recall. If I were to ever buy another WH chassis it would be the W24. The W22 failed me to many times.
I just searched the Open Road Forum (Workhorse brake) and did not find a post substantiating you statement? I have not seen anything on the Workhorse Forum other than reports of "no caliper issues after the recall". I have 15k miles after recall with no issues and no problems before the recall. Also have had no problems with my W20 chassis.
What personal problem do you have with Workhorse? Thanks.
Jack H