SolidAxleDurango wrote:
dan-nickie wrote:
Born To Travel wrote:
Case in point.. SuzzeeeQ2012
Senior Member
Joined: 01/22/2012
Posted: 12/23/13 07:23am Link | Quote | Print | Notify Moderator
And i appreciated the advice. I don't understand the harsh attitude though. I am sorry that i didn't reply quickly we were pretty busy and i was typing on my phone...for me kind of difficult. We are now parkedwhere we're camped
I recall Suzzeee's thread.
Seems there were a lot of people trying to help.
Maybe I'm getting the username wrong, but was SuzzeeeQ2012 that idiot who kept posting non-sensical posts like:
"What's the best floor plan if you eat outside alot?
"When you're staying at a national park, which RV window has the best view?"
that was monkeymom or something like that. She made things interesting for awhile.
I actually learned from her treads. My next RV will have the curb side dinette.