Arizona Kid wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
Some long time senior members have left, in a dispute over moderating. I have stayed, but I am not posting as much.
I am NOT saying this is the only cause, but could be a factor when combined with the winter slow down.
Yea, blame it on the Moderators. I have seen several of your posts complaining about the moderation here, and It seems you have just stayed on so you can complain about it!
It is true, some of the old members did leave because of the Moderators, their trolling/flamming posts were no longer being tolerated.
The members who follow the rules seem to have no problems.
:B. Who could forget the 2013 Thanksgiving day attack?? Some post should be deleted ... AND IT WAS. Some people go out of there way to push others around and then blame the moderators for rightly doing there jobs. If they don't like civility why not start your own forum?