wantobefree wrote:
How do you let go? How can you leave the grand kids, house and everything?
It can be easier than you think... in the old days it was not uncommon for 3 generations (or 4) to live in the same house. In fact when I was a child, once my parents settled down, it was less than 100 yards from Grandma's house (Across the shared driveway) and when Grandpa died Grandma moved in with us and we rented out the old house.
3 generations in the same house
But then we kids moved One went north, One moved around a bit and wound up west, I went east and my youngest sister went way east (Cape Cod) (The rest of us were in MI)
Now I'm full time RV so I can visit.. My daughter left home and went to Las Vegas, then came to S.E. GA and now lives in Wyoming with Grandchild (and Son in Law, yes she did it properly).
SO for me.. not as hard.. Your "kids" will likely move out eventually as well.
LET GO is an app for a smart phone, One of the "Re-cycle" apps like E-bay or Craig's list.