Having full-timed for 16 years our grandchildren grew up with us in a RV. Back then we didn't have a computer, no cell phone, no email. We spent many hours in a phone booth and writing letters and postcards.
We visited them for a week or two and they would visit us in nice areas. We took them traveling with us. We were there for their important milestones - first day of school, sports games and tournaments, school performances, etc. If you know the background of the school project 'Flat Henry'...we took him with us to many neat places. The kids and their classmates were thrilled to learn of his travels.
We've done volunteering in parks and sometimes the kids would visit and volunteer along with us. They still talk of it.
When we gave up full-timing (miss it, by the way) they were very disappointed. They loved hearing of our lifestyle and sharing in vacations.
Regarding the house and everything in it....that was easy and letting go of it was like a big weight lifted from our shoulders. 'Stuff' owns you. We found so much that we hadn't laid an eye on for 30 years or more. We found living in a small space with minimal 'stuff' is liberating and so easy to manage.
Full-timing is not for everyone. You both have to want to do it and you need to be adventurous. It's a wonderful lifestyle and we haven't regretted it for a second. Good luck with your decision. We don't feel we or they missed out on anything.