Forum Discussion

viajante's avatar
Jun 23, 2021

Light on Gas water heater switch

The light on the switch for the gas water heater stopped lighting up. I checked and the gas water heater is operating normally. Any ideas about what the problem is and how to fix it ? Thanks in advance.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Is this switch an OEM from water heater MFG or from RV MFG?

    Has the light Always been ON before?

    OEM from WH MFG
    Atwood ...only comes on when a FAULT has occurred
    Suburban...comes on when 1st turn switch on then goes out when flame lights/proves ....only comes back on if Flame fails

    RV MFG.......on when your turn switch on....bad bulb

    To add---The light will Flash when first turned On. Doug
  • viajante wrote:
    The light on the switch for the gas water heater stopped lighting up. I checked and the gas water heater is operating normally. Any ideas about what the problem is and how to fix it ? Thanks in advance.

    Mine only comes on when the WH is heating. when the water is hot between uses. It goes out. and of course not at all when the WH is on electric
  • Is this switch an OEM from water heater MFG or from RV MFG?

    Has the light Always been ON before?

    OEM from WH MFG
    Atwood ...only comes on when a FAULT has occurred
    Suburban...comes on when 1st turn switch on then goes out when flame lights/proves ....only comes back on if Flame fails

    RV MFG.......on when your turn switch on....bad bulb
  • When mine quit in the manner you describe it was the bulb inside the switch.
    I took the switch apart and put an ohmmeter across the bulb - no continuity.
    If that's the case, just replace the switch.
  • The blue wire off the water heater circuit board powers the light. you could disconnect connector from water heater and apply 12 volts DC to it. If light comes on, then bad circuit board. No light then check ground at light. check light for continuity.
    You could jumper the 12 volt DC at switch to the light wire for a similar test.
    This is based on Atwood water heater.
  • If you have 12V on the ground wire from the switch then bad ground. Otherwise replace the switch.