poli964 wrote:
Ok folks...,
After using my motorhome for an hour on 12v batteries now the inverter Bulk charging is at 15.1v or 15.2v...wow...
Do you think it could be batteries problem?
That is to high for charging. Are you POSITIVE you have the Inverter set up for the correct type batteries you have? There are different parameters for Acid and AGM type batteries. IF when you state "using my motorhome for an hour", that means the Inverter is NOT inverting but just the pass thru current from shore power and the charger still went to 15.1 or higher? That is NOT normal. Bulk charge usually peaks at a max of 14.4 volts, but that is NOT after charging for 1 hour. If you meant for an hour on 12 volt batteries(Inverting), then you connected 120 power(shore or genset), that may be normal as long as the voltage drops after 30 minutes or so. Do you have the Battery Temp Sensor on your system and if so, is it connected to the batteries? Where are you reading the 15.1 to 15.2 volts? 1 bad battery can cause charging problems. Doug