Tinstar wrote:
I need some help with a 1994 Allegro Bus. We're trying to start the engine and not having any luck. The engine cranks over fine but no start. It has not been started in several months. It has run fine for years prior to this problem.
Originally I could turn the key to the crank position and the engine would start and run AS LONG AS I HELD THE KEY IN THE CRANK POSITION (I did not let it run but a few seconds with the key in the crank position). As soon as I released the key to the run position the engine would immediately die. I believe that was due to a stuck fuel solenoid. My theory is; It would hold open while cranking but as soon as I released it to the run position, the fuel solenoid would disengage thereby shutting the fuel off and it would die. Anyway, I went underneath and messed with the fuel solenoid (exercising it checking the wires). I know it is holding in the run position BUT now it won't start (it does still crank). I am thinking I lost prime while it sat and I'm not getting fuel to the injectors. I've tried using the lift pump but still no start. I have pumped the lift pump dozens and dozens of times.
I am now thinking about cracking one of the banjo nuts at the injector and crank it over. I think I should get a fuel spray while cranking it over with a banjo nut loosened.
Before I go down that road, does anyone have any other suggestions and what do you think of my theory. Am I chasing the right solution???
IF you had such a thing as a stuck fuel solenoid it would either be open or closed, it would not close when removing power if it was open when applying power if it did then its not stuck
IF the engine actually ran when holding in the crank position and dies when key released then you have a faulty ignition wire or switch system