Forum Discussion

JaneNLee's avatar
Aug 17, 2018

Need Help with Fuses in a Holiday Rambler

We have a 1999 Holiday Rambler Vacationer and need help . We did not get a manual with RV. I need the fuse layout and what they go to. I have one fuse box under the hood and another under the drivers side but do not know what they go to. And as always not that ez to access. I have had a RV mechanic look at this but he can not help without a manual or fuse layout.

any help or direction will help. Thank you for helping.
  • the chassis is a 550 FORD. FOund both fuse boxes. The one under the steering wheel, is hard to access. the one under the hood is easy. The fuse is for the blower for the vent , A/C Heat etc. Any help is great. Thank you all.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    What chassis is it on.. THe reason I ask is on a motor home you have at the minimum 2 fuse panels

    one for the house. one for the chasis

    on my Workhorse I have FOUR
    one house
    one mixed
    two chassis only.
  • Open the driver's side hatch where the fuses are. Look UP on the inside of that panel. Monaco puts the diagrams etc there, including the 'hidden' fuses. Good luck...Dennis