Forum Discussion

Deuceofspades's avatar
Jun 02, 2014

Need to find a co that makes center console carpet covers

F/T RVer here, one of my dogs has been chewing on my center console carpet on and off, a few strands at a time,since 2011. It's starting to look really noticeable. I have tried all sorts of apple bitter sprays, and even regular table pepper powder (which seems to work best), but eventually she goes back to chewing on it.

I think it's time to put a carpet cover over the console, looking for something that will also cover a foot or so around the base (basically the floor around the base) as my dog has now started to work her way into the actual carpet flooring GRRRR. What do you expect,she's been at it for the past 3.5 years LOL...

I googled but did not seem to find anything. Does such product exist,if so can you provide a link to company website?

Optionally does anyone has suggestion for something else that might protect my console carpeting?
  • Lots of carpet guys don't like to fool with RVs especially such a small job. I suggest talking with a few marine repair centers, most have contacts with upholstery shops that will work in confined spaces. Worked for me, he sat down and sectioned the new carpet, test fitted ea piece, glued it in and you would never know it wasn't one piece.
  • When I had the old Pace Arrow recovered the fellow took all of the pieces off the doghouse and used them as the template for the new carpet. He did this as his job, usually on Blue birds.
  • any carpet installer can upholster the dog house for a fee
  • Try a "Scat Mat". Ours ran on 12 volt DC, and it has a fine metal mesh in a plastic cover. Basically the dog will get a slight shock if they step on it.

    I hope that you have found your carpet covers by now (this is a 3 month old post) normally you can go into a carpet sales place, and see if they can fabricate something, or know of a place that does it. Basically look at the carpet samples, and see the edging they sew onto them. This can be done to any carpet, and also formed into a shape by cutting the carpet, and sewing it back together. Start with a cardboard templet, and tape it together to make your basic shape. Take it around to a few carpet places, see what they say. I would not bring it inside until you are sure that they can make you something.

    Good luck!

  • Goldencrazy wrote:
    A lot of trainers would suggest redirecting the dog with something like a rawhide chew or some other treat that can be chewed. The stick is probably not going to be the most effective. Going to difficult to stop after these years and when the area she now chews is not available she will look for something else and if you provide it you may redirect behavior and save the rest of your coach, Good luck.

    I don't care how long the dog has been doing it, give it to me and my stick will have it trained in 2 days flat.. :B
  • You need to remove the cover and take it to a local upholstery shop and tell them what you have in mind.. They should be able to make you a carpeted cover without a problem.. My dog rides on the dogbox on trips and sleeps there too..
  • A lot of trainers would suggest redirecting the dog with something like a rawhide chew or some other treat that can be chewed. The stick is probably not going to be the most effective. Going to difficult to stop after these years and when the area she now chews is not available she will look for something else and if you provide it you may redirect behavior and save the rest of your coach, Good luck.
  • I don't think you will find carpet molded for a dog house/console to buy anywhere, you will have to make your own or have a carpet man make one for you, its not that hard..

    Time to take a stick to that dog, I always keep 1/4 inch round pine around my house, they respect it and everything is fine..