Forum Discussion

joecool's avatar
May 15, 2017

new Class C owner ,propane ? 's

31 foot Coachman ,ford chassis. This set for a long time without use. I'm trying to get everything working and need some advice on the propane. When I turn the tank on I can smell propane I side the coach . Yes I know its explosive and I have everything open to keep it aired out .I checked the tank valve and its ok ,what I need to know is if the frig has a pilot light? I know its a switchover but didn't know if its supposed to have a pilot that runs all the time.
  • I used a bottle of Windex to spray on the accessible fittings from the propane tank thru regulator to several hoses. You can see soap bubbles forming at the leak location. (2013 Winn. Aspect) My 3 year old regulator was seeping and the supply valve fitting from the propane tank to regulator was also seeping.
  • Thanks fellas ,its a 2004 ,I didn't know about the regulator, that will be a check. I can't get it out of the wind and its so hard to try to find a leak with the extra air movement . Its getting tires now but I will check it some more when I get it back . Thanks agian.
  • X2 on checking the stove knobs.

    Since you have the windows open if the stove knobs are in the on position the propane will find its way out the window on the side you are on.

    I bumped a stove knob with some storage bins I placed in front of the stove and almost died from it.
  • If it's at all recent, the fridge probably does not have a pilot light. Most in recent memory are direct spark ignition. At any rate the fridge burner should be isolated from the inside of the RV if the installation is proper, so you'd be more likely to smell the propane outside than inside.

    I would check the stove and oven controls and burners for a propane odor inside. The range is usually the only gas appliance where the burner is "inside" the RV. The water heater, furnace, fridge, and generator (which probably isn't propane powered in your case) all take their combustion air and vent their combustion gasses outside. I'd also check the regulator as they tend to go bad after several years and develop small leaks in the internal diaphragm, which leads to gas escaping; the solution in that case is just to replace the regulator. Again, that should be outside the RV.