bobbin nail wrote:
camperdave wrote:
What happened to it? I know it's not what you asked, but just curious what happened that would make replacing cheaper than repairing.
Well Camper Dave, It no longer will run both A/C and often not even one. We haven't found anyone here in N.Texas to work on one. It is 21 years old and when working was loud! thanks for listing to my rant.
It sounds like you have three reasons for wanting to replace it:
1) It doesn't run the AC's
2) It is 21 years old
3) It is LOUD!
I would start by putting some test loads on it and making sure that the generator is really the problem even though it sounds like you want to replace regardless. Knowing whether the generator works to specs will give you an idea of how much really needs to be done. You can check the load can either a clamp on AC ampmeter to read the currents or if you have enough circuits to put on 3 or 4 known loads like a portable heaters. A couple of Kill-a-watt units would monitor the heaters but could be fried by an air conditioner.
I am not sure how you would know how well a used one would address any of the issues, that is something that you would have to figure out. If buying new I would seriously consider springing for an inverter generator though I can understand not wanting to spend that much on a motorhome old enough to be carrying a 21 year old generator.