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asapautoglass's avatar
Jul 20, 2014

New to RVing... need help with fresh water filling

Recently purchased a 1992 cruise master by georgie boy. Chevy chassis reasonably good condition for what it is... got it cheap. I am having trouble filling the fresh water tank. There does not seem to be a fresh water inlet anywhere on the outside of the coach. In the storage tank bay there is a hose bib. Following the instructions in the manual and the diagram in the bay I connected a hose to the inlet. There is a valve located directly below the inlet connection and I started by operating it with the valve closed so that the plumbing was operating off of city water. Opened the taps on the sinks and the shower and after some air worked its way out I got a nice flow of clean water. Checked under the coach and no leaks.

Next, following the instructions I opened the valve so that water could fill the fresh water storage tank. The first time I did it the water, instead of flowing into the fresh tank, flowed into the grey water tank. I am sure of this because a) I could hear it and b) I just dumped the grey tank and when I opened it again it had clean water in it. I shut everything off and started back at square 1. This time I got nothing at all. No water flowing anywhere in the coach. No leaks fortunately but no success either.

My fresh tank and pump are located under the bed. The pump runs just fine. It is a Shurflo with a mfg date of 2001 so it has been replaced at some point. We removed the plumbers strap holding the tank in place so we could inspect the underside. Here's where I'm stumped. The only unplugged openings on the tank are the two overflow tubes and the single outlet for the pump. There is no other plumbing going to the tank. The pump has an inlet from the tank and an outlet which Ts off into two lines- I assume one to the hot water tank on the pass side and one to the lavatory and kitchen sink on the drivers side.

We removed the lines at the T and reconnected the city water, again following the fill instructions per the manual. We got water coming back thru the lines towards the pump. Now I know that the pump has a check valve to prevent water from going backwards thru it and overfilling the tank but that would seem to be the only way that you could get water into the tank. Is the pump supposed to be able to allow water to flow back through it to fill the tank? I had considered permanently installing a fresh water fill hose to one of the other openings on the tank but I don't want to do extra work or mess something up if there's something simple I'm missing.