Forum Discussion

TprLSP's avatar
Apr 25, 2016

No 120 in slide

Had fantastic weekend stay at Bella terra and leaving in morning. Upon arrival here I realized that the 120 electrical plugs (4) were not working in my curbside front slide. The gfci plug is not tripped and circuit breaker is not tripped. All other electrical is fine. I am checking to see if anyone knows of any common problem prior to me chasing wires upon my arrival home tomarrow. I have a 2007 Fleetwood Revolution LE.
  • Finally got time to troubleshoot. Had 120 vac going to the first gfci plug but the plug was not working. Removed plug and bypassed, all plugs in slide worked. Whoohoo went bought new gfci and hooked up. ****, same problem, plug will not work. Plan is to remove that gfci and install normal one and yes I am aware it is an extra safety factor besides the circuit breaker. Gonna do until I can research more and solve.
  • Yes, we were hanging with some. I was the black/gold Revolution next to the cream white hurricane painted H3. We were the ones from New Orleans. Had a great time there even though I didn't have a Prevost
  • Hey Larry, did you see our Prevost group at Bella Terra? We all had a great time! After seeing your brand of coach in your sig, I think we were in the same cove as you.

  • Thanks for the info. Had to stop and get new tires put on since originals were about aging out. Will take a look at the inverter tomarrow when I get it back home and then begin looking at connections.
  • RoyB wrote:
    The 120VAC Cable providing the slides have to be floating so they can move in and out with the slides.

    Worse case thing is somehow this cable has got damaged or pulled out of the electrical junction box etx...

    I'm betting you haven't found all of the GFCI Reset buttons or Circuit breakers tripped...

    Roy Ken

    This is good. Go for the simple first - check CFCI's and fuses and then look for cable trouble. The 120 should be shielded if you have to go for a cable hunt.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I too tend to agree with Roy

    Under the slide will be two junction boxes, one is attached to the "main" part of the motor home one to the "Moving" (slide out) portion, between them is flexible cable,, The rest of the house is wired with Romex.. One of those connecitons may be bad That is not the best of connections (Flexible to solid wire) in any case less it is done by a proper electronics technician. which it was not.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    The 120VAC Cable providing the slides have to be floating so they can move in and out with the slides.

    Worse case thing is somehow this cable has got damaged or pulled out of the electrical junction box etx...

    I'm betting you haven't found all of the GFCI Reset buttons or Circuit breakers tripped...

    Roy Ken
  • If the GFCI is not tripped, what about the other one? Some have more than one is all I'm saying.
  • Had the same problem on my Allegro Bus a couple of years ago. It turned out that one of the breakers on the back side of the inverter had tripped.