11.7 is a dead battery. 13.8 sound like you have a charge voltage on the battery.
Did you put a voltmeter on the battery with/without the charger plug in. Build in volt meters usually are not very accurate.
If you have a different charge, pull the neg. cable and charge the batters at 2 to 10 amps till they show they are charge. This can be from 6 to 24 hours. Write down that voltage. Should be around the 13.8 for a good battery. Wait two hours plus and connect the neg. cable back and put a load on the battery for a while. Do not take it down more than 12.4 volt.
Did you take a battery hydrometer test since you said you water level is good? Write down each cell before you charge and 2 hours after your charge and before you put a load on the battery.
Last take a battery volt reading and then plug in your charge and take a reading. You should see close to 13.8 if it is working.