With a motorhome making in excess of 150 HP all day long, it will get warm, and require the fan to go to the high speed mode from time to time, when climbing a mountain or running the A/C unit.
The solutions might be to get a larger radiator, that will run cooler just because it is larger, or to run a smaller electric fan in front of the radiator, and control it so it will come on around 200F and keep the air going over the engine mounted fan under 155F.
On my engine, when the air going over the fan exceeds 155F, it will cause the fan to run at the same speed as the water pump it is mounted to. Below 145, and it start to idle. With inlet air over 95F, then the radiator does not need to warm the air much more to exceed the 155 out put temp. I find that my fan starts to roar when I get off the freeway and slow the engine down a bit at the stoplight there. Yet it stops roaring after about 30 seconds.
I just put up with the noise, and leave the radio on.