Forum Discussion

Desert_Captain's avatar
Explorer III
Jun 27, 2014

Observations from the road, stuff that really works...

We have been touring the lower 48 for the last 57 days/7,000 miles from Tucson to Maine with a lot of stops(22 states visited), in between. Our Nexus Phantom 23P (24'), Class C has performed flawlessly due in no small measure to a few seriously useful/functional, as in "Don't leave home without them" additions. I hereby submit a few of my favorites(and why):

The Scan Gauge II is priceless, gives me coolant and transmission fluid temps digitally along with real time and average mpg. It will do far more but trust me, you really need one of these ($139 @

The Gas Buddy App has saved us serious $$$ and eliminated a lot of wasted driving searching for a decent price on fuel... and it is free!

The Max Air Turbo vent that I had installed on the hatch over the foot of our rear corner queen. The fan and motor are up and out of the coach, shielded from any amount of rain and thus provide lots of ventilaion (both in or out), very quietly. We have been able to sleep very comfortably without running the AC by just using the Turbo Max. I also added a rain proof cover over the forward hatch which helps withe overall coach ventilation even without a power fan.

The Rand McNalley 7720 GPS is awesome, feature rich, user friendly with a very readable 7" touch screen. I cannot imagine traveling without it.

Two I-phones and a small tablet sharing 4 gigs of data from Verizon has kept us in touch with excellent internet coverage all across the country. From e mail to weather and even on line banking we have been covered.

The piece of mind that I get from our Progressive Industries 30 amp EMS system is wonderful. It has found 4 problems(open neutrals,grounds and once reverse polarity), just on this trip.

Lastly the many amenities of our Nexus, and all of the hospitality shown us on our visits to their factory have contributed greatly to making this the dream trip of a lifetime. To them I say a sincere thank you for building such a great motorhome.

Oops, forgot to mention our Passport America membership. It has saved us on average $15 everytime we use it... about 10-12 times. so far.
  • Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.

    Will definitely keep the Maxx Air Turbo in mind. Not cheap but the reviews look good. On the other hand, not that much more expensive than the "automatic" close-on-rain vents and much more reliable.

    So many things to go wrong on the "automatic" vents: rain detector fails, drive motor fails, drive train locks up, battery goes dead. The Maxx Air has no moving parts thus "inherently safe".
  • Enjoyed your post as we get ready for our next long trip.

    X2 for that free and simple-to-use Gas Buddy app.

    We still have cheapo "dumb phones" for now but use our tablet's 3G connection while riding down the highway to pull up GasBuddy and find the best price for diesel + directions to get there, every time we need a fill-up. Really surprising how much the price can fluctuate within just a short distance, often a very brief drive off the main roads.
  • Mine has the digital readout which I like. I always plug the SG in and check the reading before connecting the coach, hence my preference for the portable model.

  • Desert Captain wrote:
    We have been touring the lower 48 for the last 57 days/7,000 miles from Tucson to Maine with a lot of stops(22 states visited), in between. Our Nexus Phantom 23P (24'), Class C has performed flawlessly due in no small measure to a few seriously useful/functional, as in "Don't leave home without them" additions. I hereby submit a few of my favorites(and why):

    The piece of mind that I get from our Progressive Industries 30 amp EMS system is wonderful. It has found 4 problems(open neutrals,grounds and once reverse polarity), just on this trip.

    Oops, forgot to mention our Passport America membership. It has saved us on average $15 everytime we use it... about 10-12 times. so far.

    Is the surge protector this one:

    or the higher end one with digital readout?
  • Good list of stuff to have on an extended trip.
    Reminds me that our 5 year subscription to Passport America expires in November.
  • Desert Captain...the most important addition to a truely perfect cross country journey, as my Dad and Grand Pa would atest never leave on a epic journey without one of these on your dash!

    Palekana Huaka'i
  • Explorer1016 wrote:
    These are all good items and the fact that you included your reasoning for having them is very useful. Safe travels. I hope you make it through the beautiful State of Missouri, although it is a bit humid and warm currently.

    Beautiful Missouri was wonderful! We did 2 days in Jefferson City at my cousins and had 4 spectacular days on Table Rock Lake at our friends lakeside condo in Kimberling City. Even got in the Legendz show at the Dick Clark theatre in Branson and a round of golf at the Troon Payne Stewart course. Awesome state and some of the nicest folks in the country.

  • These are all good items and the fact that you included your reasoning for having them is very useful. Safe travels. I hope you make it through the beautiful State of Missouri, although it is a bit humid and warm currently.