I had one that kept going off at different time. Turned out it was out date against the REPLACE BY CERTAIN DATE stamped on the cover. I replaced it with a new one and has been good ever since. I also installed a second new unit in a slightly different location and using the idea that if both are going off at the time I may really have a problem... So far both units have been quiet.
You kinda wish there was a real safe self check on these unit to test them... I used to blow smoke on the smoke detector to test it. Someone said use a pocket lighter and pull back on the lite slide but don't lite it. Those fumes will set off the propane gas alarm??? Never tried that...
I use to have my 2kW Honda Generator on my tailgate pointing at the trailer and it would set off the CO2 alarm sometimes.
I for one don't know which alarm goes with which device haha...
CO and CO2 are two different animals... Even after I read the differences on-line I am still confused hehe...
I guess one detects the presence of RAW PROPANE FUEL and the other one detects the present of Generator fumes or Furnace Fumes...
Most trailers have two installed One high near the ceiling and the other one near the floor...
Roy ken