philandmargo wrote:
I have a 2000 Tiffin Zephyr. It has a 47.7 gallon (thats whats on the tank) propane tank. I had it filled yesterday but the technician at the Flying J said that because of its age that the tank needs to be recertified. They almost didn't fill the tank. They had to go to the manager to get permission. I've owned the rig going on 4 years now and have never had a problem with the tank or getting it filled. Does my tank need to be recertified and if so, where do I go to get this done? Any info and advice is greatly apprectiated. Phil
Hey, go to Kelly Propane on East Scott. I bet they can either fill it or tell you what you need. And tell you where to take care of it. I have been using them for years.