Forum Discussion

i2amanobody's avatar
Sep 24, 2013

? on Propane/Aux Propane gauges on Discovery 37U

Hello once again. As you may or may not recall, my brother purchased a 2002 Discovery 37U with the 330 Cat., nicely appointed and in quite good condition. The question is, on the control panel it says it has a propane gauge and Aux propane gauge. Currently the propane gauge shows 1/2 full and the Aux. shows empty. Why does this show two LP tank gauges.

I'm thinking that the Aux. gauge is for an external tank hookup with the switch near the main tank fill up valve.

I appreciate any insight and as always, thank you in advance.
  • Ah ha! Question solved. The Aux. propane gauge is indeed for a optional propane generator. The motor home my brother owns has a diesel generator.

    Thank you for your replies. Happy RV'ing.
  • I know that on my 2005 Excursion (the same as a Discovery) there is only one tank and one gauge. If the MH is handy, I'd slide underneath it to see if there are two tanks. It seems strange that they would go to the cost of plumbing for and additional / aux tank.

    Tomorrow, call Fleetwood at 1-800-322-8216. Their help service is rather good. They may want the FIN #. On my 2005 it's on the wall just behind the driver's window.
