Forum Discussion

psalm10720's avatar
May 16, 2014

Onan 4000 Generator won't start

My Generator won't start and the Solenoid just clicks once when you press the start button. I have cleaned the connections and am going to replace the solenoid. If there is anything else I should check please let me know...
  • So to be clear this is the history of my problems with the generator..

    Bought RV March 2014.

    Replaced Solenoid May 2014

    Replaced Starter June 2014

    Generator worked ok for months then all of a sudden starting problems.

    Finally figured out that coach batteries were only putting out small voltage.

    One lesson learned was that I should have disconnected negative battery cable when gone for work weeks at a time. If I had done that the coach batteries probably would have not discharged down to dangerous level...
  • My bad.... The problem turned out to be dead coach batteries. Even trying to use starter selection on battery charger no go. I bought two new Trojan Deep Cycle Batteries and the generator started on the first try. Chalk it up to newbieism. I still need to eventually replace the generator carburetor but the new coach batteries solved the generator not starting problem.... sorry and thanks....
  • Replaced the solenoid... no worky.... Might be starter... Taking it in tomorrow.. Will post answer.....
  • Also check the ground wire which connects to your chassis - both the Onan ground wire and your battery ground wires - as rigs age the ground wires can get corroded which prevents your fully charged batteries from operating properly. Also .. starting the engine will connect your chassis and coach batteries giving you more battery power to start generator.
  • An easy way to check the solenoid. Check that you have 12V from the battery to the solenoid. Without activating the solenoid, check for 12V across the solenoid input and output terminals. This verifies your connection to the starter. With the solenoid engaged there should be a very low voltage across the terminals if the starter is drawing current. If you are still reading 12V with the solenoid activated, then the contacts are open or have a high resistance. You can also use your set of jumper cables to jump across the large solenoid terminals. The starter should run.

  • Thanks for the feedback. I will hopefully be picking up the replacement solenoid on Monday and will post the results. The batteries are up to full charge and the generator was working fine. The solenoid looks as though it might be original. Crossing my fingers that that's the problem. Glad to know someone else had the problem corrected by simply replacing...
  • I have a 2001 wind sport had the same problem change the solenoid and it
    started right up, but I would check the starter also
  • Batteries charged? Had an old onan and occasionally after sitting all winter it would seize up. Use to have to manually turn the flywheel over a little bit to free up the engine. After:it start, and when it didn't; i replace the solenoid. The 1st time I went for the solenoid first, end up having a spare.