iamalienru wrote:
I have a 98 onan quiet it runs off the chassis battery. I was having intermitten starting from the start button inside the coach. On the back side of the gen it has 2 power cables coming into the gen. Mine were semi corroded causing the start problem. I would diconnect them and make sure they are nice and clean. Check and see what type of power in coming in to the gen.
This was going to be my input too. While you may have a solid 13V at your batteries, down stream you may have a "break down" of some sort. Maybe like jamalienru had, some corrosion on terminal, or connection point, a really bad ground, corrosion inside the cables etc. Since you've checked all the switches/fuses etc., then I'd maybe head on over to the "bad cable/connection/ground" side of the investigation to see where it leads you. Good luck and please post back what you find as the problem so that others may learn.