Measure your truck. Maybe you are worrying too much about the size issue for parking. I just checked and a new regular-cab regular-box Chevy pickup is 17 feet long.
My Class C is 20 feet long and 7 feet 3 inches wide. It fits into one parking space. That said, I still make a practice of parking to defend my vehicle and to make getting out of that parking space as easy and as safe as possible. I never park in those diagonal storefront sites that you often see in small towns. I'll park in a parallel site around the corner and walk to where I want to go. In large store parking lots, I park far from anyone, far from the store door, and preferably in a way so that I can drive out forward.
Avoid low-hanging trees, both in parking lots and on roads. Fixing roof stuff (vent caps, etc.) can get tedious and possibly expensive. Don't ask me how I know this.
Good luck in your search for a small B. It seems like these days many are 24 feet long. That is too long for me.
2006 Tiger CX 4x4, 8.1 L gas V-8, Allison 6-speed