427435 wrote:
Thanks for the info. May stop and spend a night at the Woods Canyon campground.
There are a number of campgrounds thereabout. The two biggest and most well known are Aspen and Canyon Point. Aspen is close to Woods Canyon Lake. Canyon Point is a few miles away, higher elevation (7700') and entry right off the highway. Canyon Point is nicer, has some electric sites (if you're lucky enough to snag one on short notice) and has hot showers. Re lakes, Willow Springs Lake is not as well known as Woods Canyon Lake, but has many less peeps, and has much clearer water than Woods Canyon Lake. The lakes are not that far apart. Willow Springs Lake is only about a mile off the highway, Woods Canyon is maybe 4-6 miles off the highway.
Re the road past Payson, what one poster said is correct -- it does become a divided highway with two lanes each direction not that far past Payson.
Personally, I would take this route as opposed to I-17 to Flagstaff and then I-40. I can travel this route faster, even towing, and the scenery is much better. Also, there are longer and steeper grades, with some fairly tight curves for an interstate highway on I-17 to Flagstaff than on this route.