kemer wrote:
has anyone bought direct from the factory from Phoenix Cruiser? How was the experience? If you go to their website and "price" one out, you get a "retail" price(MSRP), then you get their "factory direct" price. Question is...will they bargain or take offers from that price? Everything should be negotiable.....thanks
Everyone buys factory direct since 2008. For an additional charge, they offer delivery to your house and haul away your old rig if you traded it in. Warranty work is covered through your area independent RV repair center with Phoenix paying the bill. Everyone who had warranty work done is extremely pleased with how they were taken care of. The company also offers financing.
Depending on the options you choose, the factory direct price can be negotiated some, or more. In general, I would say to negotiate to around 23% off MSRP, but the time of year and the strength of the economy can influence it too. In general, the slowest time is October thru December so you will get your lowest quotes then, assuming you have the rig built during that time. I also understand that they give better deals on RV show models. When the show is over, the rig is yours. Show models typically are loaded up with upgrades and options so you'll get better discounts on the fluffy extras.
Like most companies, I think they are open to throwing in an sizable option for free to make the sale. For example, Full Body Paint.