Forum Discussion

tpwelker's avatar
Oct 13, 2014

Power Issue

Looking for a little help before I take it to a shop. I recently bought a 2002 Damon Intruder, I have spent quite a bit of time in ut here at the house and have been on two camping trips with it. On the last trip I noticed my lights getting dimmer and checked my battery levels only to notice I had a dead battery, all of them. Hours later things were bright again and batteries were charged. I did notice earlier my lights would flicker sometimes but thought nothing of it. All the 120 equipment works fine and is not effected. To me it seems the transfer switch is not working and using the batteries for the 12 volt equipment. Also I was curious about what the battery disconnect switch does at my steps, it has a voltage readout but the other switch does'nt seem to do anything and the red light stays on. Equallly what the green blinking light modual was that is plugged into the back of my converter and stuck on the front.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
  • Anytime I have looked at the converter, the fan was not running. I also noticed that the green blinking light, which is plugged into the back of the unit was blinking faster and one time at a slower rate. Does anyone have that battery disconnect switch with the red led voltage readout?
    I'm not sure it is working as it should.
    Thanks again, Todd
  • sounds like the fan quit on the converterit overheats stops working cools off comes back on
  • Yyou could do some of the simple things before taking it to the shop. Since you said the batteries went dead, then charged and you've seen the lights flicker, start with cleaning the battery connections at the battery and converter. If they are wet cells make sure they are topped off.

    That green blinking light is probably a Charge Wizzard meaning you have a high quality charger(Progressive Dynamics) If all the 120 volt side is fine then the transfer switch is not the problem. The problem is all low voltage if the lighting is the issue.
  • Also the transfer switch has nothing to do with the 12v system. It also sound like you have a dead battery. Being dead then hours later being fully charge, says you have a dead cells.
  • IF you have a converter that charges your batteries it should have at minimum 13.2V DC output. Lower than that converter has failed.

    Lights dimming....classic sign of bad converter
  • If your batteries are indeed good then to me it sounds like you have a converter issue. The converter is what charges the batteries, and provides power to the 12v items in the coach. Check the battery voltage with and without being plugged into shore power. Should be about 12.6 unplugged, and at least 1 to 1.5V higher plugged in.