Phedley wrote:
We just bought this unit so there’s going to be a learning curve. That’s what I thought but I wanted to get more input. We will be plugging in but sure if holding tank heater will work. Thank You
Looks like the regulars are off the track here discussing the finer points of tank heater wattage….no surprise.
Your question is very vague, other than you’re letting the audience try to figure out how cold it might be based on your description of travel route.
Understanding that you don’t know how cold you can operate your rig, still try to ask questions objectively.
And as no one yet has come by and said “I have that model and we ______ down to _____ degrees with no issue.” , I’d suggest figuring out how your camper operates prior to the trip and then have some contingency plans and extra materials.
No one can predict the weather 2 months ahead. Living on the I40 corridor for many years right in the middle of your route, I can tell you it could be 60 degrees or 0 degrees on Christmas. And while lows in the 20s at night and above freezing during the day likely won’t require much if any extra effort, 0 at night and 30 during the day most certainly will.
Easier thing to do is learn how to do a quick winterization. And if it be gettin too cold, just winterize up the fresh water side and keep a little pink or blue juice for the tank(s) and flushing.