Biggyniner wrote:
Gjac wrote:
If it has truly has the Full Banks system, Headers,FF muffler CAI, I think you would be able to climb hills better than most MH's because of the HP to wt ratio even with out the better 5 or 6 speed Allison. Nada high retail is $26 k for that model. I would test drive it and look it over good. What does it weight? and how much CCC to you have? See what kind of acceleration you get on a flat from 40-60 mph if it is in the 10-12 sec range and every thing else looks good it would go to the top of my list.
It pulled insane up a very steep grade near the dealership. I accelerated to 45 going uphill and then it kind of flattened out but that was when the grade got even steeper. I think I found a keeper
40-60 mph times on a flat is a good test because you might not have the same slope hill to try out the various MH's that you are trying to evaluate. More over most people report a "seat of the pants dyno" which my be more throttle noise but numbers don't lie. Good luck in your search. Don't be too quick to buy the first one you like (like I did) but look at many of the size,make, floor plan, and chassis that you like. Unless it is priced too low it will still be there when it's time to make a decision.