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ds2728's avatar
Dec 05, 2020

Radiator Question for 98 Holiday Rambler Endeavor


We have purchased a 98 Holiday Rambler Endeavor, 34 feet, diesel pusher w/cummins ISB 5.9

This unit is in very good condition, motor was repalced with reman cummins 5.9 from Jasper in 2015 with 26k miles. It runs great. I was told even before we took the unit for a test drive that one of the recommended maintenance items would be to replace radiator.

This week I started the job of removing the radiator and CAC. First I removed the fiberglass bumper/lower end cap for better access to the radiator. I have drained and removed all the hose connections to both the radiator and CAC. I removed the overflow tank, the power steering reservoir, and the long steel rods that support the top of the radiator frame to brackets forward of the frame.

I have the nuts removed from the mounting studs that secure the radiator at the bottom.

My issue: I thought once I had everything disconnected and removed that I would be able to tip the top of the radiator back and lift it out from the MH. But the radiator will not tip back at all, it's like something is still holding it, I can push the top forward but that doesn't help me.

The items I did not remove: 1.) the fan shrouding, 2.) there's a tank made of heavy steel that sits on top of the radiator frame, the bolts on the front side are covered by the fan shrouding and there's no way that I see to remove this tank until you can swing the top of the radiator out enough to slip it off the top.

Any assistance with any how to's to remove this radiator would greatly appreciated.
  • I just did this job on my '99 Holiday Rambler Endeavor 37 CDS4.

    It's a big job, and a real bear. We pulled that steel tank off the top of the radiator first, opening it up quite a bit. We had to un-bolt the shroud from the radiator/intercooler to get it out. Radiator and intercooler came out in one piece.

    Putting it back in: Lay your fan shroud in there against the engine as far as you can. Then(with two people), put the bottom of the radiator in first, and try to get the bottom bolts lined up(the two on the bottom that connect to the frame.

    After you get that in place, you need to hook up as much of the plumbing as possible, because after you put that tank on top, access is limited. Bolt the fan shroud to the intercooler/radiator assembly and connect those rods on the top to the frame.

    Open the bleed valve and fill with coolant. As long as you've got the radiator out, I will throw this out there. I wanted to replace my original 21 year old fan because it has some chunks missing out of it(small chunks). I found a company out of Oregon called "source RV". You can google it. But they sell a fan for $600 that is supposed to give you 1MPG better fuel economy, 50% quieter, and free up 32HP to the wheels. I haven't tried mine yet but as soon as I get it back I will know more.

    Hope this helps!
  • Update: I got the radiator out. The only thing keeping it from coming out was the fan shroud hitting the fan. Had 2 options to get it out, 1.) find all the bolts that hold the fan shroud on the front side or 2.) cut the bottom mounting bolts. I chose the easier way of cutting the bolts. It slid right out in 1 piece, very easy. Took the radiator and CAC to the radiator shop and was told the radiator is scrap you need to replace it. CAC will be cleaned and tested.

    Thanks for the input. I am going to design/fabricate something different from the original design of the bottom mounting studs. I want to be able to just slide the radiator unit in or out with ease if I ever need to remove it again for any reason.
  • Did you remove all the hoses connected to the steel expansion tank,
    If it's like the 5.9 that I used to have
    That tank is part of the cooling circuit plumbing with multiple hoses attached (3 or 4), not an overflow tank
    Mine had another plastic normal type overflow tank, besides the bonus fluid volume tank on top of the radiator,
  • If you got all the bolts and line removed then just rock and push and get it out. You stated it had to be replace. I have never had one just fall out. All the junk that setters at the bottom really holds on.
  • Well the way these radiators are packed in there with the frame and the CAC from both my understanding from reading alot online and my experience so far in attempting to remove the radiator I see no real thorough way to inspect or clean. It is 22 years old and the hoses and other related coolant items do not appear to have been replaced with new when the motor was done in 2015.
  • just my .02cts I,d have taken it to a real radiator shop had it cleaned and inspected. why replace a good unit? now for getting it out ,could just be crud holding in in. good luck. on your project.