backhoemike wrote:
Thanks everyone , everyone keeps saying it is a rubber roof on my 1995 Newmar london air but it is Fiberglass type surface, almost like a formica on your kitchen counters and all one piece the Roof Repair tape with tar and aluminum backing did the trick when i got all the other attempts to fix off it then i painted cool seal for looks more than anything to cover the tape and make look uniform. I washed with soap and water, scraped and heat gunned all the old off pulled up and resealed everything except the AC units got a 3 inch rain over night and no leaks ... I am Stoked it fixed it...
ah. I didn't see londonaire before. that was the ultra top of the line as I recall back then. I looked at a 5er at the factory that had NO seams visible. all glassed in and smooth. looked beautiful.