Forum Discussion

4x4van's avatar
Explorer III
Aug 14, 2016

Rear View Camera problem

I just purchased a 2004 Itasca Sunrise M30W, and the rear view camera is inoperable. It is a Sony VCB-MH3 Camera and a Sony VCB-MHD1 monitor. When turned on, I get only a white screen on the channel (3-channel monitor) that the camera is plugged in to, and black (of course) on the other two channels. If I plug the cable into a different channel, then that same white screen follows. The contrast and brightness controls DO affect that white screen.

My problem is that I don't know if the camera is bad, the monitor is bad, or perhaps the cable is bad. My intent is to unplug the camera at the back, and plug it directly into the monitor, thereby ruling out (or in) the cable itself. But the cable out of the camera goes into the rear cap, and I don't know how long it is till the first plug, or whether or not I can pull enough to reach that plug. Anyone know? I really don't want to have to pull the cap to reach that plug, but will if necessary.

Any advice is appreciated.
  • IF your camera does turn out to be bad, does have adapter connectors to mate your new camera with your old cable.
    Some cameras also have access through an INTERIOR cabinet to get to the cable.
  • You have the same problem as RV service centers. There is no way to test systems. The Factory Service centers will swap new Camera/Cable/Monitor to test IF they still have the same parts available. The Camera pigtail can be up to 3 feet long. You GENTLY slowly pull it out of the hole in the back, until you reach the quick connect. Some cables get stuck on rear caps inside so you have to be gentle. You then connect the Camera to the Monitor. USUALLY, on an older system it is the Camera that is bad. What you need to do is go to and see if they have parts or replacement systems for your old system. I doubt Winne would have a part or system for a 13 year old motorhome. Doug