Forum Discussion

B_s_Bunch's avatar
Jun 27, 2017

Recalling recalls

I have a co worker looking at an 05 gulf stream gasser. I remember a brake recall during this era and was wondering how would one check for recalls either listed or completed. How would one find out what recalls were actually called and was it actually performed or not. Thanks in advance. Larry
  • Thanks dry camper I will check this out. I saw the camper today and there was a sticker but could not read it. Camper looks to be in good shape. Sticker wasright where you could read it but I could not. Caliperters were Shiney and not discolored which leads me to belive the recall was done. I will check out this site. Thanks forthe info.
  • Thanks dry camper I will check this out. I saw the camper today and there was a sticker but could not read it. Camper looks to be in good shape. Sticker wasright where you could read it but I could not. Caliperters were Shiney and not discolored which leads me to belive the recall was done. I will check out this site. Thanks forthe info.
  • Step 1 - Obtain VIN from dealer.

    Step 2 - go to THIS SITE and enter the VIN. If it has any outstanding recalls it will come up.
  • Thanks I will check for sticker. This is on a dealers lot and they have no idea what had or had not been doen. Unit has been sold a couple times. Thanks
  • When I had my recall work done, in addition to the sticker under the hood, I received paperwork from the shop just like I would have gotten for any service work. Ask the seller if he has paperwork proving that the recall work was done if you can't find the sticker mounted somewhere under the hood. Mine was attached to a frame member in front.
  • Are you talking about a Ford or Workhorse gasser chassis. Both had recalls pertaining to brakes.
    Work horse had a brake caliper recall. Should be a sticker under the hood, if done. Ford had a brake wiring recall. Should be an added wiring harness, with fuse, next to brake master cylinder, if done.
