Forum Discussion

JC2's avatar
Nov 17, 2015

Replacing TracVision Domed Roof Sat

Am seriously thinking about replacing the Tracvision domed sat on our 04 Newmar Dutch Star with a Winegard SK-SWM3 Slimline Automatic Multi-Satellite TV Antenna and mounting it on Winegard Travler Metal plate. For those that have done this, where you able to mount the new in the same place as the old and did the screw holes line up?
  • I originally posted this on Nov 17, 2015 but after not receiving any e-mail notification of other members comments, I went to the website and found several responses. Why I did not receive e-mail notification is beyond me as the box is checked to send immediate notifications. For those that did respond, I appreciate you taking the time and will remember the advice given.
  • Have a friend that mounted the same antenna in another location on the roof and left the in motion dome on. He installed and a/b switch in the system and uses the dome for the radio stations on directv while traveling and has hi definition direct TV while stationary.something to think about.
  • JC2 wrote:
    Am seriously thinking about replacing the Tracvision domed sat on our 04 Newmar Dutch Star with a Winegard SK-SWM3 Slimline Automatic Multi-Satellite TV Antenna and mounting it on Winegard Travler Metal plate. For those that have done this, where you able to mount the new in the same place as the old and did the screw holes line up?

    Save the $125 for the base plate, it is completely unnecessary on your coach. Yes, it "should" go where your dome is now depending upon how close to your front A/C unit it is mounted. In any case, it will go in that general area and any holes left from the previous dome installation are sealed up by putting a dab of caulk in the hole, screwing the old screw back in that hole and then caulking over the top. No leaks and a Trav'ler that will make you wonder how you ever got by without one!
  • I installed my slimline on back of coach left dome still on front 2 weeks of thinking how to do it 3 hours to do it don't think you need to spend extra money for plate because slimline has a big foot print did make a landing plate hardest part is getting it on roof
  • Domes are mounted with 3 or 4 feet depending on the model. The Travler mount plate is designed to give a solid mounting surface to mount the Travler without it wavering due to a wood sub roof. NO holes will line up. But, you will be able to cover probably 3 of the Domes mount feet holes. Doug