I had one bypass. Also my aortic valve was replaced. And I now have a Pace Maker too.
The thing that caused me to run off Interstate 5 was that the lower chamber of my heart stopped beating for several seconds. I was soooooo lucky that MsTioga went to the right. If Tioga had gone left, I would have crossed Interstate 5 and collided with oncoming traffic!!
I can probably credit George and Tioga as part of the reason we got RoadAbode. Loved to read his adventures. Had a quirky way of writing sometimes, but is still an interesting guy.
Tioga George passed out while driving and fortunately he wasn't seriously hurt but his beloved motorhome, Ms. Tioga, did not make it. I believe that he passed out because he needed heart surgery (bypasses?)which he got and he's been healthy since. He's moved into an apartment and is not longer RVing but he still blogs occasionally.