I've sold two on Craigslist with zero problems. Both buyers were from out of State even tho I only listed it in my local area. I think the key is to price it right and list EVERYTHING about the coach. List everything that goes with it and all service records. Be very descriptive and use all 24 pictures allowed on Craigslist. Also have someone with you during any appointment and ONLY accept a wire transfer to your account as payment. Cash is OK if the buyer wants to go with you to your bank to verify the cash as not be counterfeit. If there is still a lein on the coach, talk with your bank to find out all of the details and they may be willing to accept all of the transfer paperwork. Both of mine sold to the first person to come and look at the coach. I did get several other inquires and some ridiculous offers but I sold both for my asking price. One took two weeks and the last one took a little over two months. When you get a serious buyer, you will know it. Good luck with your sale and check to see if there is a Monaco, Bounder, Tiffin, or Prevost specific forum where you can list your coach.