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k9-keno's avatar
Mar 09, 2018

Slide Help

Have a 2007 Damon Daybreak. Living room slide goes out perfect but when coming back in it really does not want too. Super slow!! This slide is a rack and pinon slide. When it closes its flush and sealed fine. I have 2 brand new batteries, I have checked for jams on the underside and its all clear. Also I'm level and jacks are down. I lube the slide at least once a month on the gears and teeth. Only thing I have not lubed and will try is the actual side bar that goes under camper on both sides I was only doing the teeth and gears and rollers. What do you think motor going bad?? Also temp is 35 degrees in northeast right now so not sure if that hurts the motor but when we were just in Florida it was slow as well. Thanks!!!
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    If it goes out fine, then most everything is good. But there is a possiblity the controller has a weak relay on it Very basic description way simplified

    imagine two SPDT relays with the motor hooked to the moving contact one lead to eah relay

    The Normally closed relay contact is ground, so as it sits there both sides of the motor are grounded and there is no operation (Normal)

    Push the IN or OUT button and one or the other relay pulls in , the Normall OPEN contact is battery _+ so now the motor moves, which direction depends on which relay. If the "IN" relay has a dirty contact. Well it's going to be slow.

    That said NOTE this is way simnplified, not sure they are relays, but I'd think the 10 amps that motor draws running (over 30 starting) would burn out a dirty contact in like nothing flat.

    I would lubricate. And see what happens..

    Also inspect the slide.. Go out and sit under it, Look toward the OUTSIDE wall (from underneath) You will see a metal L bracket with a line of screws ... Are they all nice and snug? (Guess what my problem was). Look for anything else that does not look right.
  • Dennis12 wrote:
    I don't know how your slide works but my dealer told me to hold the rocker switch down until i hear the motors stop after it is all the way in or out. that is going both ways, in and out. It keeps the motors in sink.

    That's for Schwintek.
    Not a good idea for rack and pinion.
  • are slides electric motor
    or hydraulic driven

    IF hydraulic i would suspect 'solenoid valve' problem, not getting full flow on the retract cycle
  • I don't know how your slide works but my dealer told me to hold the rocker switch down until i hear the motors stop after it is all the way in or out. that is going both ways, in and out. It keeps the motors in sink.
  • Lubricate the R&P!
    It could also be that your s/o switch is developing high resistance.
  • Cant out slide out or in with engine running maybe i'll try generator....
  • Keep the coach plugged in or run the engine so that the batteries are above the 12.x volts that you would see with them resting. With the batteries at the 13+ voltage, the slide motor will run better. With no help on the charging side, your batteries will sag below 12 volts when the slide motor runs
  • It may help to use the levelers to tilt the coach so that the slide is retracting down hill, rather than level or uphill.
  • I am thinking the wiring connection to the motor could warrant a look.