Forum Discussion

Bar_H's avatar
Jun 30, 2013

Slide out creeping out while driving.

We recently bought a 2007 Allgro Open Road "FRED".
Other then the dealer problems its great.
On the last trip in high winds the main slide out creep out about two inches from the closed poistion. Chulked it up to high. On the trip home it came out (in lest wind) about one inch.

Is there a problem with the slide?

Of is this normal?

  • Thanks for all the info, I will be calling tiffin Monday.
    FYI the slide is electric and I looked but did not see a poisitive locking mechinism.
    Will let you know what Tiffin has to say.
  • Call Tiffin...they can help more than any of us can. They have always been responsive whenever we have had a problem.
  • We had a friend have this problem with his Zanzibar. Turned out that his hydraulic line and developed blisters or bubbles. Had to have the entire section of line replaced. It wouldn't hold pressure because of the bubbles.
  • We have a Monaco and had the same problem. Our slides are electric and there is a brake switch on the motor under the slide. Ours was in the bay towards the rear of the slide. The switch had gotten flipped (we think) when we hit a big pothole. It would only creep out about an inch. DH flipped the switch back to lock and its been fine since.
  • Most older Tiffins the drivers side slide is motorized. There is a BRAKE lever on the end of the slide motor and if NOT engaged, the slide will extend a few inches. Check the motor and if you see the brake tab it will state which way to engage. IF you have the HWH slide, then one of the 2 solenoids is leaking internally. Doug
  • Lock them. Brace them. I wouldn't want that happening to me.
  • Bar H wrote:
    We recently bought a 2007 Allgro Open Road "FRED".
    Other then the dealer problems its great.
    On the last trip in high winds the main slide out creep out about two inches from the closed poistion. Chulked it up to high. On the trip home it came out (in lest wind) about one inch.

    Is there a problem with the slide?

    Of is this normal?


    My motorhome came with inside locking bars, Available at most dealers.
  • Jesse,

    Check for a leak in you hydraulic lines and or fittings. If you have cylinder leaking that could be the problem as well. Check hose first.
    good luck
  • I don't know what brand of slide system you have, but if it is HWH hydraulic it is most likely the extend solenoid check valve. I had the same problem and I got the solenoid from HWH and replaced it myself. About an hour and a half and $200.00. The solenoids can also be purchsed on EBAY if you are so inclined.

    Good luck
  • I don't know, but...there's a thread going on at IRV2 right now about some guy's very expensive Newmar motorhome literally DEPLOYING two of its three slides while he was going down the road! Link.