wa8yxm wrote:
Rumor has it that in California, some years back a man was written a ticket for Impeading traffic.. He was in fact doing the posted speed limit. (The judge dismissed it but with a stern warning to keep up with the flow)
Now I did not verify that.. The next story I have verified, in fact I am part of it.
At work one day I got a call (9-1-1) Complaining about one of my Troopers (Also named John) who was driving his marked patrol car at the posted speed limit.. Mre. Speeder wanna-be was complaining "he is going to cause an accident driving like that"... I transferred the caller to my Sgt. who then ask me which trooper it was (i already knew so I told him) and ask if he wanted me to relay any message... Perhaps "Good job".. he agreed and I did.
I doubt your rumor happened. While it's possible to get a ticket for impeding traffic even if you are doing the speed limit, it would only happen if you are in the fast lane of a multilane highway. And those people who are tailgating you are also subject to tickets and when you pull over and the speed up in excess of the speed limit then they can get tickets for that too. The part of the story that is implausible is the judge telling them to keep up with the flow. He would have told them to move to the right and all them to pass and then they can get their own tickets. In fact people try and use "keeping up with the flow of traffic" all the time as a defense to a speeding ticket and it never works.
I once was taken to court on a speeding ticket and the guy argued he was just keeping up with the flow of traffic and everybody else was speeding too. Of course that wasn't true, but it wasn't relevant anyway. The Judge asked the man if he was a duck hunter. The man said he was. The Judge said you ever been out in the duck blind and a flock of ducks flies over and you start shooting and you can only get one or two and the rest get away? And the guy says yes. And the judge said, "That's exactly how the officer felt, guilty as charged."