Don't forget that room acoustics play a big part in the sound. Does your bedroom have mirrored closet doors? Glass is terrible for acoustics. You could always swap out the Bose speakers for something else.
They are just a speaker. I swapped out the tiny 50 cent speakers in our Newmar for some higher end
Klipsch in -ceiling speakers as part of my entire sound system upgrade. Lots of room in a motorhome ceiling for proper speakers. Even ran better speaker wire. It baffles me why they put 5 channel (surround sound) in the bedroom. Rear channels only work well when speakers are behind the listener. Kinda hard to do in a bedroom. Even living area in a coach is not a good environment for 5 channel. Music always sounds better in 2 channel. I won't enter the Bose debate as I'm one of those weirdo Audiophile guys that
spends far too much money on audio equipment