Tinstar wrote:
moparmaga2 wrote:
When I had my class a DP, Texas state inspections were my biggest pet peeve. I never could find a place that would do the work.
The standard line was "we do not have an inspection bay capable of handling your 43 foot motorhome" I would always ask who does. I gave up after spending $$$$ on diesel running around every year trying to get an inspection and just went without.
I was seriously considering a Montana llc in order to combat this problem of useless state inspections.
Texas does not require the emission inspection on a DP. They have never even wanted to take mine inside. They do it sitting in the parking lot and only takes about 5 minutes; quick walk-around looking at the tires, check all lights (headlights, turn signals, lp light) and the horn is about it for a diesel.
OH, and dougrainer knows what he's talking about. In Dallas they will do the inspection required for your residence county, and does not have to comply to the more stringent Dallas emission requirements.
Actually this is wrong. According to the Tex.Gov site and the DPS office I called if you get an inspection in a emmission check county you have to get and pass a check even though your county does not require. That why I posted this question. I received the warning ticket from a Highway cop on TX 380 on my way out of TEX. He gave me a hard time. Thanks.
Jack H