I have both an Texas Toll Tag and a EZ-Pass for The North East. When I got the EZ-Pass I was instructed to remove the pass from the toad when it was being towed. It is billed as a trailer and cheaper than if you drove both through the plaza separately. I still haven't gotten a good answer or any answer after a couple of inquires to the Toll Tag people. Are both billed or are they billed as one 4 axil truck? I am still investigating and will report if I get some info.
I love those who spend 4-5 times as much going around the tolls as just driving where you want. Yes if you don't have a EZ-Pass it can be pricey. I messed up and went across the Georg Washington bridge before I had a EZ-Pass it was $76.00
I had planed on jogging over to the Tappan-Z but messed up. But some times you want to get someplace and using the toll roads are the essayist way. I would hate to drive East to West in NY State and not use the Thruway.