DSDP Don wrote:
It's all about convenience. We've had a roof mounted Winegard Travlr Sat dish for over 8 years. I can only think of about 5 times in over a hundred trips where I couldn't get reception. I'm pretty good at guessing where I need to be situated in a site to get reception and will often jockey the coach back or forth a few feet to get it.
Remember, NONE of your "carry out" sat dishes get HD TV, they only get SD TV. If HD isn't important, then you have more choices.
Side Note: At the beginning of this year I installed the newest version of the Winegard Travlr and I believe it has either a better software package or electronics than the older version. We were just at Yosemite (Upper Pines) in the same site we've been in for years. Just for the heck of it, I turned on the sat and it locked in right away.
Yep, that's my feeling. We used a Carryout with our TT's for several years and it was OK but did take up more space than I liked and the single LNB limited our options but it was fine for what we used it for.
Now we have the Traveler, Hopper, Joey and enjoy much more versatility with the recordings and viewing options. So far we have not been in a Park where we didn't get adequate reception but we do ask for sites with sat reception. If we ever do have an issue we usually have 50 recorded programs to select from.
Nothing against the portables but the roof mounted one is just so nice...push a button and kick back. And yes, at this age it's all about comfort or we wouldn't have this MH.