Forum Discussion

IndianaBoy's avatar
Oct 25, 2014

Thor Tuscany Motorhome's Aqua-hot,do you want that in an RV?

Just talked with my Dad and he's finally settled on a motorhome, it a 2015 Tuscany. It's a gigantic 42 footer too. Sounds like it's going to be 2 weeks before he can pick it up though. This new coach will have Aqua-Hot, I don't know anything about these systems. It sounds like they run off of diesel to make hot water and heat for all of the motorhome. Can they run off just AC if you're at a campsite or your generator is running? It would suck if they didn't I would think.

So Aqua-hot sounds like a good thing if it can run off diesel or AC, but no LP, he said the coach doesn't even have an LP tank.

So what type of maintenance is required owning this type of heating system? Is there anything special you have to do when winterizing?

I'd appreciate any tips you all have, I know my Dad will be calling me daily with all his questions. He traded in his old Safari, that was relatively low-tech compared to today's new motorhomes... :-|

Here's the link he sent me, looks too fancy for me and my kids:
Video Review of 2015 Thor Tuscany

Thanks, any insight is much appriciated.